Mrs. Ashley shares…
One day Roman was riding with us to basketball practice. I was putting all the kids in the car including Dianne (who is now 3 years old). Well I had to quickly go back inside to get her sip cup because she started crying. Roman was sitting in the seat beside her in the back. When I returned to the car I noticed she was buckled in her seat and had stopped crying. Roman had given her a little toy to play with and was talking to her when I returned. I remember thinking in that moment, how he know how to nurture a child being a teenager. He really cared for people. He was not your typical self-absorbed teenager, he payed attention to the little needs of Dianne that day and it helped this mama to keep moving. Roman was truly loved by some amazing parents and it showed in the smallest details. He will be missed.
Ashley Autin - family friend and mom to close friends of Roman