Coach Jody shares…

Hello, I’m Thomas’s dad and coach, and I wanted to share this story about Roman and how his love continues to spread in the world. Here goes…
Thomas got a pretty late start in baseball back in our hometown in Cut Off a few years ago. His interest in the game really started because a team of kids one year older than him would practice across the street from our house, and he admired them so much. One morning, Thomas walked over to hang out while the boys where hitting balls in the cage. A kind kid with a heart of gold befriended Thomas because he saw that Thomas had such an interest in the game. That kid told his mom that day, “Mom, if I get a hit today, I’m going to dedicate my hit to Thomas.” It takes a special kid to even think like that. That kid’s name is Roman Robichaux. Our entire family, never forgot that act of kindness. Well, this year that kind young man tragically passed away. Before the spring season, Thomas came to me and told me, “Dad, I want to change my number to his and dedicate my last season of travel baseball to him.” This weekend, he was watching over Thomas and us. Our team, had not won a Championship yet, and it was our first tournament in the spring. In the bottom half of the last inning of the championship game, we had a man on second with two outs. The game was tied, and Thomas, wearing Roman’s number, was at the plate with two strikes. See the video for what happens next. You see the kindness Roman shared was connected to everything that happened on that field. Roman was always nice to Thomas when he would go over to Paul and Natasha’s house to practice. His kindness helped foster Tom’s love of baseball, which led to that moment on the field that Tom and I got to share after he brought in the winning run. I was coaching at 3rd base. At the very end of the video, I got to hug Thomas and pick him up. That’s a moment I will never forget. I will cherish it forever, and I/we will never forget Roman’s connection to it. In turn, it also led to all the smiles in the championship photo. Those young men will in turn share that joy, and the love Roman gave will continue to live on and on. I also want to say, I absolutely believe the love he shared is not only a past tense thing, it continues to go out and bless the world. I believe that his love is 100% an on going and active thing as he continues to love us all, watch over us all, and continues to pray for us all. How fortunate we are to have such a special advocate!

Jody Lerille - father to friend and teammate


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Ivy shares…