Mike Hepler says…

My personal experiences with Roman on earth were very few & brief. He came to me in a dream several days after his passing. I’ve prayed every day since for God to ease the pain of his family’s lost. I was very aware of his passion for the sport of bass fishing. He & my son both fished the Louisiana BASS High School Tournaments. Last weekend I was captain on one of their tournaments on Toledo Bend. My son only had 20 minutes left to fish before we had to leave. I was sitting in the boat staring at the blue sky and I said to myself “Roman give Seth one more good bite.” Instantly I looked down and saw the biggest bass he caught that tournament smash his top water frog lure. Once the fish was in the live well, I looked at both of the boys and told them, “God is real and heaven is real. Never forget that.”

Mike Hepler - met through fishing tournaments


Hayden shares…


Coach Jody shares…